Photographs - October 2013

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Mum and the eskimo. Mum and the eskimo.
The eskimo smiling. The eskimo smiling.
Showing off the suit sister Laura sent Ian a few years ago. Showing off the suit sister Laura sent Ian a few years ago.
In the mountains to visit our sister Laura.

In the mountains to visit our sister Laura.

The boys and Laura. The boys and Laura.
Having fun! Having fun!
Hi there! Hi there!
Bruuummm! Bruuuummm! Bruuummm! Bruuuummm!
Adam again. Adam again.
The boys playing. The boys playing.
Here I come!

Here I come!

The police is coming after you, Ian! The police is coming after you, Ian!
Looks like the police car had an accident. Looks like the police car had an accident.
All is OK. The police are in action again. All is OK. The police are in action again.
Can I make my eyes any bigger? Can I make my eyes any bigger?
Playing. Playing.
In the mountains. In the mountains.
Sis talking to Mam-mam. Sis talking to Mam-mam.
Hi there. Hi there.
I'm going to get you! I'm going to get you!
Open wide! Open wide!
Yum yum! Yum yum!
Ian's cute look. Ian's cute look.
Ian and Laura. Ian and Laura.
Adam still eating. Adam still eating.
Adam and Laura. Adam and Laura.
Laura tells pretty good jokes. Laura tells pretty good jokes.
Hello! Hello!
Another stint in the slammer.
Ian, after spraining his foot. Ian, after spraining his foot.